John Ollom (Curator/Movement Artist)


For more information about John please read his artistic director resume here.

20th Anniversary Celebration

After refining his Internal Landscapes methodology and publishing his third book, John has worked with three artists to create performance pieces for this event.

2018 Festival

Workshop Presenter

John Ollom MFA created ‘The Hole Project” out of his extensive research in movement art and healing that he has been teaching across the US.  Much of his findings reveal that people have been locked in prisons of shame. Looking to create art that is transformative, he focused on the condemned zones of the body. In interviews with men across the US about not only about their anatomical holes, but their “condemned behavior” men gave a voice to their authentic experiences in life that led to personal healing. The completed project incorporates pictures of the participant’s holes with the interviews to create art that can educate the viewers.

We are not here to judge others but to take away those hidden prisons of shame and self condemnation.   Enter “The Hole Project” to find this honest and revolutionary art installation curated by our Artistic Director, John Ollom, MFA.

More information at

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