Internal Landscapes© Program

Poster Image for Internal LandscapesGENERAL INFORMATION

Ollom Art’s Internal Landscapes© Program was developed by Prismatic Productions’ Artistic Director, John Ollom to give every type of performer, from novice to professional, an environment to learn through a two-part philosophy: give the artist a sound basis for their work and encourage the true voice of the artist at all times.

This program will consist solely of Master Classes individually personalized and taught by John Ollom. This unique program provides the artist with three ninety minute sessions to support the artist’s vessel of creativity using John Ollom’s Internal Landscapes©. Whether novice or professional or budding artist, this intensive three session process will help the artist become confident, be in touch with the core of their creativity and have a knowledge base to tackle the demanding world of being an artist.


We are pleased to offer our Summer and Winter Programs in New York City. Classes will be held during the program at the 16th Floor Studios of Ripley-Grier Studios located at 520 Eighth Avenue (Bet. 36th & 37th Streets) in New York City. These wonderful studios are located close to Penn Station and the Port Authority in the heart of New York City.  Our Winter Program is in the works, please watch for dates.


We are asking all registrants to include a brief description of your artistic training/experience with your registration. This will help us plan appropriately. Note that participation in the program is also an audition for future productions and residencies.


All costs for the program are reduced if fully paid by one month prior. We highly recommend you try the Bill Me Later function within PayPal if you want to stretch out your payments over up to six months.

Internal Landscapes© Program

Three personalized 90 minute classes

 SAVE with Early Registration 



Meals are not available for the program. Lunch is available in the building or at numerous stores and restaurants close to the studios. Please call us for details.


Housing is not provided with the program but there are may options in the area. Please call for details.


It is preferred to register and pay for the Program by choosing your times below. You will be directed to our PayPal account to make payments. All payments must be made before the program and are non-refundable. Rescheduling is available and must be arranged by email or phone 24 hours before your first session. Refunds or credits will not be given for any classes missed. There is a $6.00 credit card processing fee that will be added to your order.

Students are encouraged to apply early to guarantee a space.


Choose your three sessions from the schedule below.


The perfect companion reading Internal Landscapes – the Paperback and eBook

Internal Landscapes is the culmination of fourteen years of movement research, movement technique classes and personal introspection that have created the revolutionary methodology of Internal Landscapes. John Ollom’s practice is defined as archetypal movement that leads to art creation.

Many dancers, actors, performance artists and non-performers have come to work with John Ollom, the creator of the Internal Landscapes methodology and his company of Ollom Movement Artists. Peer into a book that not only educates but tells personal stories of unbelievable honesty. Issues of rape, homosexuality, and survival through trauma have been addressed in this methodology. Artists that have dared to have the courage to create art that is poignant and revelatory have found John Ollom’s practice to be the key to their process.

Click on the version to purchase on KindleNook and the Apple Store.

The print book is available online at


John Ollom received his MFA in Interdisciplinary Art from Goddard College and his BFA in Ballet from Texas Christian University where he trained under Stephanie McFarlane Rand, Li Chou Cheng of the Beijing Ballet and Fernando Bujones of American Ballet Theatre and the Royal Ballet.
John has been teaching in New York City and around the country since 2000. His methodology has been taught at the Kalani Retreat Center in Hawaii, Atmananda Yoga Sequence, Baruch College, CUNY HOSTOS, CUNY in the Heights, Easton Mountain Retreat Center and every summer since 2002 at the Ollom Movement Art Summer Program at Smith College and now New York City.
In 2010-2011, John Ollom was chosen as the Artist in Residence at the Eastern Michigan University Dance Department. John is the Artistic Director of Ollom Art/Prismatic Productions, Inc. since 2002; he has choreographed John Ollom’s The Journey, Anatomy of Woman, Dido and Aeneas, The Other Species, Love Stories, Man of War, M.U.D. (Men Under Dirt), Kuan Yin’s Compassion, The Flight of Lilith, The Portal, and Prisoner of My Projection. His choreography and direction are also seen in the film Karpos and Kalamos.
John’s work has been the subject of documentary films including: Late Bloomers by Annette Cyr, Professor of Art at the National University in San Diego; The Making of M.U.D.: An Exploration of the Work of John Ollom and Ollom Movement Art by Robert Kazmayer MA and the work in progress There’s Something about John by Emma McCagg.
John’s recent book Internal Landscapes was recently released.

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